Donate Your Denim

Donate Your Denim

I was in the market for some new black jeans so I headed over to Madewell’s website a few days ago to take a look around. Jeans can be a difficult item to shop for, so a few years ago when I realized that Madewell made the most perfect pairs I had worn in a long while, I pledged a vow of exclusivity right then and there (and I haven’t turned back since). For those of you who may be wondering, this is definitely not a sponsored post – I just love these jeans so much that I want to write about them on my own accord.

While snooping around the site, I discovered that Madewell is currently hosting a promotion where you can bring in old jeans that you no longer wear, donate them, and receive $20 off on a pair of new jeans from the store. Amazing, right? Madewell is partnering with Blue Jeans Go Green, an organization that repurposes denim to use it as housing insulation for those in need. Here’s a blurb from Madewell’s blog post about Blue Jeans Go Green that I thought was really descriptive and fascinating:

“Founded in 2006, Blue Jeans Go Green got its start working on projects in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. They sent denim insulation to Habitat for Humanity projects in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Mississippi. Fast forward to today and they continue to work with Habitat for Humanity affiliates around the U.S. to bring denim insulation to areas that need it most. It takes approximately 500 to 1,000 pairs of jeans to create enough insulation for one average U.S.-sized home (approximately 2,300 square feet). Lesson here? More is more, so bring ’em in.”

So great, right? Head into Madewell to trade in your jeans today! (And then buy a pair of these because I just did and they are perfect. Actually, I might need to go back for one more pair…)

One thought on “Donate Your Denim

  1. Pingback: it’s friday, i’m in love || 10/3/14

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